3th Triad : Watercolor painting of a Parrot
And up it goes, here I am in my third triad ...
To make this portrait of a parrot, I used the triad No. 3 called High Contrast.
Which says bright and contrast, says Blockx. I decided to use only 3 colors of this Belgian manufacturer, which I have in tubes and I used fresh paint.
Colors of The High Contrast Triad are :
- Blockx Yellow : PY3
- Pyrrolo Red : PR255
Primary Blue : PB15:3

As you can see, the slightly warm red and the cool neutral yellow produce shades of orange a little duller than a warm yellow, on the other hand the violets are very dull in the mixture of red Pyrrolo with the cold blue .
The combination of a neutral / cold yellow and a cold blue produces very natural greens ranging from yellowish green to a dark transparent green. Just add a little red to these mixes to make the color a little less vibrant and duller. A great success if you want to mix your own greens.
So here is a small study of a Parrot.

I observe, that by mixing the 3 colors, we get beautiful blacks.
I would have liked to get more shades of blue for the plumage, but the Phtalo is very powerful and its green shade prevents to create more neutral blue ones than warm ones.
Note also that by mixing Pyrrole red with Phtalo blue we almost get a neutral grey with a slight green tendency, but no sign of purple ... On the other hand, we also get with this mixture hues close to the natural and burnt Earth Colors (Siennas and Umbers).

This shows again, the limit of the triads if we want to get almost all the colors with mixtures.
With 6 primary colors, a cold version and a hot primary, we can get closer.
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